Age Spots

Many people visit us to treat age spots. However, not all age spots are the same. What people call age spots can be dark coloured spots, raised skin spots, red spots, old scars, and even moles or skin tags.

At Laser Away we will take a medical history and examine the skin spots of concern. We will diagnose your skin spot and recommend the most appropriate treatment for it. For most benign pigmented spots we can suggest Microdermabrasion, facial peels, photofacial, or pixel laser resurfacing. Some age spots may require removal using liquid nitrogen, electrocautery, or excision.

The right treatment will be matched to your diagnosis. Trust your skin to a professional at Laser Away.

Available Treatments

Click the links below for more details about the available treatments.

About Laser Away

At Laser Away we focus on providing the best in non-surgical treatments for anti-aging, acne, scars, sunspots, rosacea, and unwanted hair.